Thursday, June 15, 2017

Interactive Gallery Walk

Lot's of great feedback and ideas about methods of conferencing.  And to be honest, as I look at the feedback, it seems that trial and error might be my best method of inquiry for conferencing.  I will have to figure our what works best for my classroom.

With that said, I am going to change my topic and research I-Search essays.  I essentially know what they are, but I do not know the specifics or best practices in teaching these essays.  I would like to feel confident teaching this genre before next spring and will not have enough time during the school year, or other times of the summer for that matter.

Some questions that I would like to answer:    
What are some good resources for I-Search?
What are the specific requirements for an I-Search essay?
Topic, page length, balance between actual research and narrative, purpose, best practices?
Time frame? How long to do the research and write?
Where might students use this kind of writing outside of the classroom?
Why?  Why this form/genre instead of straight research essay?

So, that's where I am right now.  Happy Wednesday! 

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